Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2021
数字绘画软件 Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2021Autodesk 认为,创造力源于一个想法。从快速概念草图到完全竣工的艺术作品,绘制草图是创意流程的核心。您无法预知何时会灵光乍现,因此获取快速且功能强大的创意绘图工具是各种创意流程中极具价值的一个环节。
Autodesk® SketchBook® Pro sketching software for Windows® or Mac® computers is a professional-grade painting app that is easy to use for every artist. This intuitive sketching and painting software can transform your computer into a complete toolkit for professional artists, illustrators, and designers.